Sunrise delivers support packages for young people and adults with complex needs. We provide person centred packages of support which are flexible and tailor made to meet the needs of the individual. Our support hours can vary for each person depending on their needs - from a few hours a day up to 24 hours a day.
We believe in promoting independence through support, monitoring and working in collaboration with the individuals we support and their Multi-Disciplinary Teams.
We support young people aged 16 to 25 years through their transition from Child to Adult Services.
We also provide Specialist Mental Health and Learning Disability Supported Living Services to Adults.
We provide Supported Living Services to adults with a forensic history, including those on section 37/41. We work alongside Community Mental Health Teams, Probationary Services and the Criminal Justice Mental Health Liason Teams to ensure that individuals have all the support that they need to prevent them from reoffending.